Copy Google Drive Photo to Imgur
This app allow you to save, copy Google Drive's photo files to Imgur. Explore, share, and discuss the visual stories through the Imgur's images.
This app supports also Google document, presentation, drawing formats. This formats will be converted image on upload. Supports Chrome, IE10+, Firefox, Safari..
Supports JPEG, PNG, GIF, APNG, TIFF, BMP, PDF, XCF (GIMP). Please note that TIFF, BMP, PDF and XCF (GIMP) will be converted to PNG on upload. PNGs over 756KB are automatically converted to JPG.
Note: 10M size limit per a file. Due to the Imgur upload limit per application, This app has daily usage limit. (12 Uploads/1 Day).
*Unknown Size: Google Document Formats.  
Images Folder. album is not specified. (Default)